Saturday 3 March 2012

Come Near.

“But a Samaritan while traveling came near him; and when he saw him, he was moved with pity.” Luke 10:33

Mal, do you think we have the money?  What will we say??? Will everyone stare?  Do I have the time?  What will they think?

These are just a few of the questions we often ask ourselves when presented with a problem or situation.  We pass these things every day don’t we?  That single mom, that elderly man, that lonely girl, that homeless boy, that sick woman, that hateful business man, that grumpy waitress… I don’t know who your injured or broken person is.

I know that some of those situations were for me- “Where are we going to live?”  Now we have a house.  “How will we pay for that surgery?”  He had his surgery yesterday. “Will we have the money to buy food this month?” We have three meals a day.  “What will we say when we go sit next to this homeless woman?” Her name is Annette, we are hanging out on Monday.  God always graciously provides.

I have asked the above questions more than I am willing to share.  But every time we fumble or tiptoe down this path God is leading us on, we get somewhere.  Sometimes we get to the other side, where a miracle happens and the “problem” is solved.  Sometimes we get to a bigger, more daunting situation.  The point is God is in the middle of each result.

The Good Samaritan isn’t “good” because he had a perfect plan, with just the right budget, all the necessary things in order before he helped the broken man.  His first act, the most important in my eyes was he just came near.  That was the make or break.  We have a choice to walk on the other side, because then we will never have to see that broken person.  It’s easier isn’t it?  Because if we don’t come near, we won’t really see, and if we don’t see, we don’t have to move.  We can just keep on walking.

I like to give the right answers just like the lawyer who stood up and prompted Jesus to tell about the Samaritan man coming near to the brokenness.  I don’t always like to “go and do likewise.”
I feel led to challenge myself, my family, and my friends today.  Why are we so scared?  Really though, ask yourself?  Why? Who’s my God?  We can give the right answers our whole life, but that’s not what Jesus is really asking us is it?  He is asking us to come near to the broken so we can see Him and be MOVED.  My hope is that there is a picture in your mind right now.  Who is that injured person?  It’s pretty likely they aren’t easy to help.  It’s likely it will take time, or money, most definitely sacrifice.  It’s extremely likely for people to judge and stare. 

I need to stop asking the “what if” questions.  I pray wherever you are today, whatever your profession, whatever you passion is that you will draw near.  That you will really SEE- That you will be moved to MOVE. 

Come near.  See.  Move.

“You have given the right answer; do this, and you will live.” Luke 10:28

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