Friday 24 August 2012

our dirt

When we ask God to show us how big He is - we will inevitably see all sorts of evil. I believe to see the greatness of our God, His GREAT love, compassion, and power, you have to see how messed up, broken, and oppressed the world and the children that He created to be free are.

It's easy to love someone who loves you back.
It's hard to love someone who commits adultery against you every day.

It's easy to fight for somebody who is crying for you to help.
It's hard to fight for somebody who is fighting against you.

It's easy to watch the children that you created, love, and cherish BE loved and cherished. It's hard to watch them be prostituted, abused, hurt, lied to, and destroyed.

If we want to see how B I G God is - we are asking to see what the enemy is doing and e v e r y t h i n g that God has CONQUERED, to bring His power into the darkest places and know through everything that the devil is trying to damage, God has conquered.

There's a little girl at our school that I followed home one day and met her mom. My heart was broken to see that this little girl lived in a home the size of a bathroom that you would typically find in an american house. It wasn't the size of the home that broke me, it was the home brewery that was happening in that house. It was the title that her mom bears as a prostitute. Like most women in the slums, there isn't a man to help bring food to the table for their family, and there isn't a man there to pay any bills that they may have.

We started checking up on this little girl and her mom, for both of their safety. After visiting their house several times, one day we went in and they asked for prayer. As our friend was praying over the mom and little girl, the neighbor women started piling in the house. Coming before us for prayer, placing their children in front of us for us to lay our hands on them, ASKING us to come back the following week and teach them more about the Bible.

I'd been asking God to reveal to me how big He is. He put me in a place where it is seemingly impossible to ever work your way out of. He put me in a place of utter hopelessness. He put me in a place of desperation. He put me in a place where being a 'prostitute' is common in most homes, even the women who do have husbands.

Now He calls us to believe for these women.
He calls us to speak, profess, believe, and teach that H O P E can rescue.
He calls us to pray and praise His name in these places.
He calls us to watch HIS glory fall.

He calls me to sit in the midst of the devil's work protected on all sides, to view the nasty dirt that this world gives, and then to watch him take that and give us beauty.

Just like when He's working in our own hearts. Often when we are dry in spirit and crying out for the Lord we are asking God to completely fill us, to satisfy us, to love us and pour out annointing on us. Before we ever ask Him to fill us, we have to ask him to search, examine, and shine light on the trash and sin that can live inside of us. That's what makes His glory so B I G, is to know how worthless and corrupted by sin that we are, and to know that He redeems us and calls us worthy.

our family with our jja jja (grandma) 

friends from chicago tabernacle leading vbs in namuwongo

the mom's of the kids in our school came for manicures and to be prayed over

full house. 

Morris back from boarding school. 

Auntie Mallory, Sam, and neighborhood friends working in the garden. 


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