Monday 10 December 2012

what's good?

The other day I was in the Bible (I know that's a broad statement but I really can't place where I was) and I started reading about the second coming of Jesus. 

Would Jesus wear skinny jeans or the type of jeans that you've had for like three years but they finally have enough holes, are covered in an adequate amount of paint, and have managed to achieve the look of "rugged" so you can now wear them efficiently? 

That was my first thought. What's He going to wear? 

My second thought was extremely humbling. 
"I want to RECOGNIZE Him." 

Would I be too busy with my to-do list for the day to even look at him when I pass him by? 
(I'm really not trying to make this sound like a casting crowns song)

The past two weeks, every morning when I wake up to get in the word, I just end up staring at this verse.

"Love must be without hypocrisy. Detest evil, cling to what is good." 
-Romans 12:9- 

I want to SEE what is GOOD.
I want to THINK on what is GOOD. 
I want my INTENTIONS to be GOOD. 
I want my EXPECTATIONS to be for His GOODNESS. 
I want to LOVE GOOD. 

I've been challenged to the core to stop and think about everything I do, say, and think. To examine myself, and ask myself "Is there good in this?" 

I want to RECOGNIZE goodness. 
Everything about Him is good. 
He is the definition of GOOD. 

I want to be all about goodness. 

We have control over our thoughts, our minds, our words, our actions, and what we dwell on. We always have the option to choose good. 

It's hard to let go of our worries, fears, and expectations; because they are something that we can control. The devil knows that we love to have control so he places those things there and watches us drown in fear and anxiety. 

It does not good for me to worry.
Or to pretend to be in control. 
Or to think that I'm so busy that I don't have time to smile at somebody passing me. 

God has been transforming my mind and heart to love good. 
When worry or fear come, to not even make a plan that I have any control in or to dwell in those thoughts, but to speak "Jesus I trust you." 

It's such a simple lesson. But is it? 

It's transforming my life. 

Aunt Sydney and Aunt Meggie celebrating at the last upper primary girl's bible study for the year. 

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